About JAOS
Established in 1991, our mission is to promote the healthy development of the study abroad industry in Japan by establishing ethical best practice guidelines for organizations, educating and training study abroad counselors and advisors, and engaging in various other promotional activities to increase awareness of, and further the development of a safe and rewarding environment for Japanese study abroad students.
Recognized by the Japanese government as a General Incorporated Association in 2008, JAOS membership consists not only of private companies but also includes public organizations such as the Australian Embassy Marketing Office and the British Council, as well as various trade-related associations. As of 2014, total membership now exceeds 60 organizations. JAOS is also an active member of the international association FELCA (The Federation of Education and Language Consultant Associations). By representing Japan through this membership, JAOS is able to educate and promote Japanese market needs to industry providers and assist them in developing the optimal study abroad environment for Japanese study abroad students.
To provide quality and safe environment for study-abroad candidates by developing and executing appropriate programs, set and abide by ethical and quality operation, as well as orientation and training programs to maintain and improve such established standards
Assist and promote an unprecedented major study abroad promotion project by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) called “Tobitate! Ryugaku (study-abroad) Japan” |
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Established and administered “JAOS Study Abroad Scholarship for Outbound High School Students” based on funding by MEXT in 2009.
Selected and funded by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) to launch “Global Action for Career and Employability (Global ACE) project |
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Provide consultation, operational assistance and services to support globalization of Japanese universities
Produce and manage Study Abroad website to provide accurate information for study abroad candidates. |
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As study-abroad promotion industry shapers and opinion leaders JAOS shares Japanese study abroad trend with foreign educational institutions and industry groups.
To spread and communicate the study-abroad related trends and news to mass media in Japan.
Establish and maintain close communication and network with Foreign Government officials as well as education representatives from around the world
JAOS conducts on regular basis meetings with Foreign Government Educational Representatives (FGER) to exchange information, views and future ideas, working closely with officials from various embassies and public organizations. |
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Establish guidelines to help prevent malpractice of study abroad agency operation
Establish self-imposed code of practice and ethics. In addition, publish guidelines to clearly communicate the commitment and service responsibilities to potential clients by providing written contracts to assure quality of services
● Collaborate with J-CROSS to mutually assist respective missions.
Japan Commission for the Regulation of Overseas Study Services (J-CROSS) was established by JAOS, The Council of International Education & Language Travel, Japan (CIEL) and Ryugaku Kyokai (Study Abroad Support Council, a consumer protection organization). This non-profit organization provides a new system of businesses certification for study-abroad industry in Japan. Certification process includes certified copies of registration, financial statements from the past 3 years, and a contract agreement. |
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Provide standardized study-abroad training curriculum and training
● JAOS Certified Counselor Training Course/Certification Test
JAOS established a study abroad counselor training program and certification system in order to advance and standardize the quality of the profession. This certification is not only for study-abroad agents but also for those who work and desire to work in the field of international exchanges in various areas such as universities and other educational institutes. |
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● Japan Association of Certified Study Abroad Counselors
JACSAC (Japan Association of Certified Study Abroad Counselors) was established within JAOS to establish, maintain and enhance the quality of study abroad counselors. JAOS Certified Study Abroad Counselor becomes an official member of JACSAC. |
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