Activity report

2010 JAOS Autumn General Meeting

December 9, 2010

at Shibuya Forum 8 in Tokyo

32 participants, representing 26 JAOS member organizations (14 of which were present by proxy) attended the JAOS Autumn General Meeting. Each task team provided updates on their activities and laid out their upcoming plans. Importantly, with the cooperation of the Consumer Agency, CIEL (Council of International Education and Language Travel, Japan) and Ryukgaku Kyokai, task teams reported their progress regarding the provisionally-titled ‘Overseas Study Service Review’. This focuses on the societal repercussions of bankruptcies and similar problems involving study abroad businesses. It was announced that within the fiscal year, a plan should be implemented that creates an approved mechanism (criteria and framework) for financial screening. A lively discussion ensued. Moreover, our Administrative Office affirmed our participation in the the ‘Global Japan Initiative Project’. As the velocity of globalization continues to increase, from all quarters, we have received a variety of proposals regarding the stimulation of outbound study abroad activities. However, it is only the ‘GJI Project’ that aims to become a functionary platform for increasing outbound students, formulate a study abroad strategy for all of Japan, activate the study abroad industry and widen the market. In addition, this project has resolved to include members from outside of JAOS. In other business, the ‘JapaNext project’ that JAOS approved in the spring of 2010 has continued to take form. This fiscal year, it has been officially confirmed that three advisory committees based on the 3 pillars of study abroad will be set in place: the ‘Outbound Study Abroad’ Committee, the ‘Inbound Study Abroad’ Committee and the ‘Job Support’ Committee (Job support for international students). Lastly, next year (2011) marks the 20th anniversary of JAOS’ foundation. To commemorate the occasion, JAOS has decided to create a ’20th Anniversary Special Event Committee’.