Activity report

Briefing Session Hosted by JAOS / JAFSA (Japan Network for International Education) – ‘Industry-Academia Joint Commission on Developing Global Human Resources’

June 23, 2010

at Waseda University in Tokyo

Called in to lead the briefing session were Mr. Yasuaki Uchino (Assistant Chief of the Office of Industrial Human Resource Policy, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), Mr. Mitsuhide Shiraki (Professor at Waseda University’s School of Political Economy Studies) and Ms. Yuko Miyata (Director of Human Resources at Unilever Japan Holdings KK). Not including the speakers and host organizations, 63 participants were present (including representatives of universities, language schools, and other study abroad-related organizations). The briefing centered around the report collected in April regarding the proposed ‘Industry-Academia Joint Commission on Developing Global Human Resources’, which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Office of Industrial Human Resource Policy and Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture’s Higher Education Bureau began investigating in November of 2009. Considering the rapid changes that accompanies globalization as well as the current state of the Japanese economy, it can be said that the seminar was extremely beneficial, considering it made us ponder the important question, “How should universities handle career guidance and employment support?”