Activity report

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JAOS 25th Anniversary Ceremony

November 16, 2016

Keio Plaza Hotel Main Building 5th Fl. (Concord Ballroom)

This year, JAOS held a commemorative ceremony to celebrate its 25th anniversary.
This grand event was attended by former Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister, Hakubun Shimomura; Member of the House of Councilors, Kusuo Oshima; Premier of the Queensland Government, Annastacia Palaszczuk; New Zealand Ambassador, Stephen Payton, The Japan-US Education Committee/Executive Director of Fulbright Japan, Matt Sussman and others, including about 200 guests from various ministries and agencies, embassies, universities, educational and cooperative organizations, and JAOS members.


JAOS 25th Anniversary Press Conference

November 16, 2016

Keio Plaza Hotel 4th Fl. (Keyaki Banquet Room)

A press conference was held prior to the JAOS 25th Anniversary Ceremony.
With Chairman Yamada and President Sone in attendance, Secretary-General Hoshino presented the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) findings from a January 2016 survey of 36 JAOS member companies entitled “Survey on the Status of Japanese Studying Abroad by 36 Study Abroad Agencies”.
JASSO findings indicate that: “more than twice as many Japanese are actually studying overseas, and that a large number of students had been overlooked”, in stark contrast to figures released by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.  The press conference was attended by 14 reporters, from various media companies, who showed strong interest in the discrepancy in calculations and findings.


JAOS Fall General Meeting 2016

November 16, 2016

at Zenken Plaza conference room

A total of 64 people from 51 member companies/organizations (including proxy statements from 11 companies) attended the JAOS Fall Meeting of 2016. An activity report from each steering committee and an explanation about the JAOS study abroad assessment test were given by Executive Secretary Hoshino. Following the resolution of the Articles of Incorporation and the resolution of personnel changes of the executive directors, Mr. Sone was appointed as new President of JAOS. President Sone made a report on preparation status of the 25th anniversary of JAOS activities to be held after the general meeting.

Awarded the British Business Award (BBA)

November 11, 2016

at Hilton Tokyo

JAOS won the award in the UK-Japan Partnership category of the British Business Award (BBA) ceremony of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ)!
This was the first time that the initiative of “British short-term study abroad campaign for middle and high school students” campaigned by the British Council and JAOS campaign was evaluated and selected by BCCJ’s BBA selection committee. The trophy was given by the British Ambassador to Japan Mr. Yamada to Mr. Matt Burney, the representative of the British Council in Japan.
Organized by The British Camber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ)
Photo of the British Business Award Award ceremony

JAOS Business Seminar in Osaka “The study abroad industry in five years’ time and current trends of Japanese studying abroad”

October 3, 2016

at Ryugaku Journal cnference room (Osaka)

In the first part of the two-part seminar, JAOS Executive Secretary Hoshino commented on “trends in studying abroad in Japan”. The second part was a Panel Discussion with the theme of “Analyzing the Study Abroad Market in Five Years”, where panelists Vice Chairman Kato (Study Abroad Journal Vice President) and Mr. Horie (Global Study) spoke about the future of the study abroad business. Participants also asked questions and actively exchanged views on the future of the study abroad business.

JAOS study abroad business seminar “Learning from examples of crisis management in the study abroad business”

September 14, 2016

at Zenken Plaza conference room

With the growing need for global human resources and much attention being paid to studying abroad, the environment surrounding studying abroad such as terrorism, disturbances occurring in various parts of the world, bankruptcy of educational institutions, increase of natural disasters, etc. is getting more harsh. From the viewpoint of crisis management, panelists spoke about preparation for these risks. Panelists: Yoshiko Fujinaga (President of the Japan Association for Certified Study Abroad Counselors (JACSAC), Executive Officer of the York International Study Abroad Center / Study Abroad Counselor), Yukari Nakatsuji (How to Walk the World, Co., Ltd. T & E Study Abroad / Travel Division Study Abroad CS Department Manager and Client Consultation Office General Manager of Service Management, External Affairs Officer), Mr. Atsuhiko Mushi (Director of East Travel Insurance Service Center, AIU General Insurance Co., Ltd.).

JAOS Study Abroad Business Seminar “Analyzing the study abroad industry in five years’ time” ②

July 12, 2016

at Zenken Plaza conference room

Under the theme of “Hear from industry leaders: “Analyzing the study abroad industry in five years’ time”~ The study abroad market after the Tokyo Olympics~”, Ms. Yukari Kato (Vice President of study abroad journal) Mr. Akihisa Yamazoe (Daily Education Inc. Managing Director) and Mr. Masakazu Manabe (CEO, DEOW Co., Ltd.) held a panel discussion.

Workshop at the American Embassy for JAOS members

July 8, 2016

at American Embassy

· Learn the latest information on visa application essential to the procedure to study abroad in the United States
· Find out the appeals and trends of studying abroad in the USA
· Meet with the US Embassy Department of Commerce Department and Visa Section and hear from them directly

2016 JAOS spring general meeting

June 22, 2016

at Shinjuku Nomura Building (Shinjuku, Tokyo)

The 2016 JAOS spring general meeting was held with 45 organizations (including five attending by proxy) and 65 individuals in attendance. After explanations of the 2016 business plan by the executive secretary and the financial statement from  Mr. Nakano who is JAOS auditors and Accountants, each management committee presented an activity report and explanation of its schedule for the upcoming season. During the break period, business cards were exchanged, and a free discussion was held, resulting in a exchange of information and vigorous opinions. At the study session, Ms. Nishikawa from MEXT Tobidate Study Abroad Program gave an update on the program, and the past scholarship recipient student presented his own personal experiences.

JAOS study abroad business seminar: “Forecasting Study Abroad Industry Five Years Ahead” 1)

June 14, 2016

at Zenken Plaza conference room1

“Forecasting Study Abroad Industry Five Years Later” is the first of a two-part series, the second part being entitled “The Market for Overseas Study After the Tokyo Olympics.” After the great success of JAOS’s two-part seminar—consisting of JAOS Executive Secretary Tatsuhiko Hoshino’s seminar “Trends in Study Abroad Among Japanese Students: A Statistical View” and a lecture by JAOS Chairman Masaru Yamada. A post-seminar get-together was held where participants mingled and exchanged business cards.

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