
Statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

All members of JAOS have confirmed the following three points as action principle in supporting students who plan to study abroad, as well as those who are currently studying abroad.


1.Collecting and sharing information acquired by member organizations

All members of JAOS are reminded to not only rely on information from official sources such as the Japanese government, the governments of the destination countries, the WHO, etc., In addition, members are urged to gather information directly from the schools receiving students also, to most accurately analyze the fast changing situations in order to make the best possible judgment with students safety and well-being as the top priority.


2.Supporting clients who are currently studying overseas

JAOS members are fully committed to supporting students currently studying overseas by continuing to liaise constantly with the partner institutions and organizations receiving students from JAOS member organizations.


3.Advising prospective students planning to study abroad

JAOS members shall provide most appropriate advice to prospective students based on the best possible up-to-date and accurate information from fully utilized JAOS network indicated in 1 and 2 above.



Yukari Kato

President, JAOS