
Study abroad guidebook for high school teachers

Japan Association of Overseas Studies (JAOS) has published “Guiding High School Students to Study Abroad” for high school teachers through the publisher Gakuji Shuppan.


[Features of this book]

Basic knowledge of high school study abroad counseling that high school teachers appear to know but do not know. As “educational guidelines” that provide the foundation for counseling by teachers, the book covers information that is useful for providing appropriate guidance to students.


[Introduction of contents]

Chapter 1 Significance of High School Study Abroad and Mental Preparation for Counseling
・ Significance of high school study abroad
・ Three strengths obtained from high school study abroad
・ Mental preparation for study abroad counseling


Chapter 2 High School Study Abroad Basic Knowledge (General Remarks)
・Types of high school study abroad
・Steps until study abroad
・Documents needed for study abroad
・Funding and scholarships
・Recognition of credits after returning home


Chapter 3 High School Study Abroad Basic Knowledge


[Information by country]

・ Studying abroad in the U.S.
・ Studying abroad in Canada
・ Studying abroad in the U.K.
・ Studying abroad in Australia
・ Studying abroad in New Zealand


[By purpose]

・ Short study tour during summer or spring break
・ Participation in summer school
・ High school exchange program
・ High school study abroad besides exchange program for up to 1 year
・ Study abroad for the purpose of graduation Chapter 4 Practical advice for study abroad counseling
・ Advancing to university in Japan and abroad
・ Applying to both Japanese and U.S. universities
・ Advantages and disadvantages of study abroad
・ About English learning guidance before departure
・ Pre-departure counseling ・ Care after returning from study abroad
・ Path and career after returning Chapter 5 Risk management for study abroad
・ Understanding public safety and living information of study abroad locale
・ Safety measures for study abroad (1) — Study abroad student and family
・ Safety measures for study abroad (2) — Sending school
・ Dealing with problems (1) — Flight-related
・ Dealing with problems (2) — School-related
・ Dealing with problems (3) — Local living-related
・ Dealing with problems (4) — Others Chapter 6 Globalization of Japan and High School Study Abroad
・ Era of global human resources
・ State of study abroad in different countries
・ Outlook on Japanese study abroad student
・ Current state of high school study abroad
・ High school study abroad that advances Japan Chapter 7 Advancing to university abroad after graduating in Japan
・ Situation concerning entering overseas university
・ Differences with Japanese university entrance exams
・ About globals ranking of universities
・ Difficulty level of entering an overseas university
・ Test required for study abroad 1 (TOEFL(R))
・ Test required for study abroad 2 (IELTS)
・ Test required for study abroad 3 (SAT/ACT)
・ Test required for study abroad 4 (Eiken and PTE)
・ Application documents 1 (Transcript of grades and diploma)
・ Application documents 2 (Letters of recommendation and essays)
・ Application documents 3 (Other documents)
・ Use of trustworthy study abroad counseling agencies Chapter 8 Accounts of Study Abroad Experiences   Chapter 9 Reference Information
・ What is “Eiken Study Abroad” — Study abroad using Eiken?
・ List of Japan Association of Overseas Studies (JAOS) members
・ List of companies certified by J-CROSS (Japan Commission for the Regulation of Overseas Study Services
・ About certified study abroad counseling qualification system
・ Study abroad by teachers themselves Printed on A5 paper 192 pages List price (2,000 yen + tax)